
Sports and Physical Education: This essay will take you on a quick tour of the world of physical education and its repercussions. The relationship between physical education and sports practice will be the topic of our discussion.

Sports and Physical Education Professions

Why do they call it gymnastics when they mean physical education? Why do you think we only give sports?

Gymnastics: It is a word that comes from the Greek gymnos, naked (this is how classical athletes did physical exercise). Today we have two Olympic sports: artistic or sports gymnastics and rhythmic gymnastics.

Sport: the most common way of understanding physical exercise, but not the only one. The competition marks it. There are three groups: team sports (one team against another), individual sports (individual all against all, here is gymnastics), and adversarial sports, one against one in tennis, judo, fencing.

Physical education: an academic discipline that seeks to educate comprehensively, physically of course, cognitively (what do I move, why do I move, and why do I move?) and attitudinally,  the student through movement and all the possibilities of physical exercise. The following “Olympic” sketch shows its contents.

The physical condition in the area of ​​Physical Education

Before treating the physical condition, we must discuss an essential aspect that will allow us to achieve a healthy physical condition, “warming up”.

Warming up well is easy and essential: it decreases the risk of injury and makes you gain concentration and capacity for the main work.

There is no single way to warm up, but in any case, a general part with three parts will be carried out:

Race or some exercise to raise the pulsations.

Exercises for joints and muscles.

I am stretching with a specific job, which consists of practicing the main activity but at a lower intensity.

What is Fitness Health

According to the WHO, health is the state of physical, mental (mood), and social (relationships) well-being.

Regarding physical condition, we can say that we are fit if we have a good level of Endurance, Strength, Speed, and Flexibility, the 4 basic physical abilities.

To have good health, everyone should have an excellent physical condition, especially in resistance, which is the most related to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In addition, physical condition is necessary to practice sports since, without it, we would not endure sports practice, we would not have the strength to hit the ball, for example, or to jump, we would not reach the balls quickly. Moreover, we could injure ourselves due to a lack of elasticity.

Classification of the Sports that we can Practice in Physical Education.

Team Sports

Except for volleyball and baseball, where there is no contact between the teams, the rest, most have very similar characteristics. They are sports of collaboration and opposition, and if any athlete knows how to position himself in attack and defence and masters the technique, he can play all of them. These sports with things in common would be Soccer, futsal, basketball, handball, and hockey in its four modalities: on rollers, grass, ice and floorball (school hockey), and rugby. Let’s look at those common features :

Sports and Physical Education Professions

Fitness Instructor

Fitness instructors provide workout instruction to help improve people’s fitness. They naturally specialize in one of the following areas: fitness, aerobics, water aerobics, weight training, or circuit training.

Yoga Instructor

Yoga teachers use yoga to help better people’s physical and mental fitness. It performs simple movements and positions and applies breathing, relaxation, and thought techniques. Yoga can be a form of workout.

Riding Instructor

Riding instructors teach students of all ages and abilities to ride horses. Other duties include feeding, exercising, and grooming the horses daily, although instructors may supervise trainees. Instructors can also.

Physical Education Teacher

Physical education teachers teach different indoor and outdoor sports disciplines, individual and collective, in the various training stages. To work in educational centers, institutes or universities, it is necessary to take a degree in Physical Activity.


Lifeguards ensure the health and safety of a public pool or beach users. The work also includes guarding changing rooms and cleaning the pool.


Divers are engaged in underwater inspection, verification, repair, maintenance, or search work. In addition, some divers specialize in particular techniques such as photography or welding. The result can be complex, demanding, and sometimes dangerous.

Trainer or sports Instructor

Sports coaches or monitors teach one or more sports skills and techniques. The goal is to develop the ability, style, and performance. The work is usually part-time, if not voluntarily.

Outdoor Activities Instructor

Outdoor instructors teach activities such as canoeing, rock climbing, horseback riding, and sailing. In addition, they give practical and theoretical classes for all ages and levels.

professional Athlete

Professional athletes make money playing sports in public. The sports practiced at a professional level are Soccer, tennis, basketball, motor racing, swimming, and handball.


The senior technician in dietetics, also known as a dietitian, is a health professional specializing in human nutrition and dietetics. He knows food quality, nutritional needs, and people’s eating behaviour.


The nutritionist or dietitian-nutritionist is a health professional specializing in nutrition, food, and human dietetics. She has in-depth knowledge of the nutritional processes and people’s physiological needs in health and disease conditions.

Director of Sports and Leisure Centers

However, The directors of sports and leisure centers are in charge of the routine administration of the center and the organization and development of sports activities.

Sports Therapist

However, rapists prevent injuries and assist athletes in returning to full performance after injury. Moreover, Sports therapists don’t just work with injured athletes; they can help people of any age or ability. Therapists use their knowledge.

Personal Trainer

Moreover, Personal trainers work with the public who want to improve their health and wellness. And also, They investigate the objectives of each client to be able to plan different activities and achieve these objectives. Finally, For such planning, they often consider the general health, lifestyle, and nutrition…

Sports Scientist

Sports scientists are dedicated to research and advice on the scientific aspects of sport and exercise. Sometimes, they may go into teaching or coaching athletes.

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