Introduction – Complexity

Complexity: Digital tools allow us to access more information than ever before: all the interactions that people have with a device become data. So, it is a much more than overwhelming amount because it is obtained at supersonic speed without rest. What should be done with all this collected information? For companies, this task becomes a complex process, even if they have software (or several) that helps simplify it and could improve their performance, such as productivity. However, it is not always so.

Complexity Data Analysis

On the one hand, an organization may have too many work tools. We are talking about applications and platforms that, although their function is to streamline specific tasks and allow fluid teamwork, can hinder the daily routine for different reasons, such as little knowledge of the processes, unfriendly interface, or, simply, it is not the solution adequate.

In a study we conducted in Colombia, Chile, Mexico, and Spain in 2021, we found that companies have at least two of these tools: And, of course, they are a great help when it comes to following up on projects where teams collaborate remotely. This makes sending files easier and having real-time sessions to brainstorm or make presentations more accessible. However, especially when there is growth in the company, these platforms may be insufficient for efficient information management. See why.

Complexity in Handling Data Adds Frustration

When we refer to the complexity that a tool represents, we take into account several aspects, mainly two:

The skill or experience that people in the company have with that tool (or another of its category).

The design, interface and functions of the tool.

In either case, users of a platform will experience frustration if they cannot quickly resolve the issue as they are supposed to. Because one thing is what a software announces that it can do, and another thing is what happens when it is implemented in the actual case of a company. That is the real litmus test.

When surveying our study on the use of tools to manage teams and information, we also asked you to answer the following question regarding the CRM you use: what are the three weakest points of the tool? What they told us sets out the challenges they face:

This tells us that sometimes there is a promise of use that is not fulfilled; it is why not all computers use the software or take full advantage of it. Money and resources have been invested in a tool that cannot do half of what was expected. The funny thing is that it is not always necessarily the responsibility of its developers but of whoever chooses it.

Some best practices help reduce data complexity in the enterprise. It is an amalgamation of actions that range from how the available options are investigated to the efforts made to understand the functions of the software. Next, we will talk about it.

How to reduce the complexity of managing your company’s data

1. Learn to Recognize the Needs of your Company

What for one company is its best ally may inefficient for another. The point that the needs are never the same from organization to organization. Therefore, before searching or asking for recommendations, it is essential to identify what digital tools will use.

And consider not only the goals but also the areas of the company that will use them, the people who will have contact with their functions on a day-to-day basis, and how they will make their work easier.

It’s not always a good idea to start with the most complex CRM, especially if you don’t even have the infrastructure to track an extensive customer database (orders, after-sales service, etc.), but rather one that gives you the ability to scale, that is, grow at the same rate as the company.

2. Research Options that Address those needs

Now yes, once you know what you need the tool for, ask for recommendations, investigate the experience that others have had, read reviews and send emails to answer questions. Do what you have to do to thoroughly understand the available options that best suit your objectives: company goals, medium-term plans, investment possibilities, or your market growth.

3. Before Hiring, ask for a Test

Many of these solutions want you to have a good experience with their product, so they will do their best to make it happen. If they give limited evidence, accept it. In this way, you determination be able to get to know its characteristics in-depth in real cases within your company. You will take advantage of it to familiarize yourself with its interface.

Others also have free versions without you having to commit to a payment period. This is the case with the HubSpot CRM, which is an excellent opportunity to take the time you need so that your teams learn the basics until they master it. When you achieve that point, it’s time to explore the benefits of a different plan.

4. Look for Plugins for More Efficient Management

Of course, do not satisfy with what you can do with a single tool if you know that you could have more complementary functions or that help you more organically integrate other solutions that already exist within your company. For example, you can unify the data you have in various technological tools to manage them from your CRM with HubSpot’s Data Synchronization software or the one that focuses on the operations of one or several departments: Operations Hub.

This type of software is beneficial when you discover that the complexity of the data increases, and you do not want to add more obstacles since these options do not require code management. They allow you to integrate applications, organize data and automate processes without having to add new systems.

5. Make Sure your Staff is Always Trained

This is very important, as needs will change along with functions. The innovations that come to the industry require their digital tools adjustments, which is why your teams must keep up with them.

It’s also a good idea to leave the door open for questions so that the people who work with you feel confident to ask questions that resolve thanks to someone else’s experience or training that consolidates their skills.

6. Make sure the Tools help the Business

We recommend auditing the software, applications, systems, and tools that your company uses from time to time. This allows for detecting outdated or if they no longer efficiently carry out their work. This way, you avoid duplicates or several options for a single problem.

Each solution should have a specific goal, and everyone should use it. That ensures it’s productive rather than getting in the way of workflow. If that happens, it’s time to remind teams how they should align to their implementation; it also often happens that it must eliminate or replace with a more efficient one. Listen to the suggestions of your staff since they are the ones who can find flaws or opportunities that are not yet on your radar.

7. Don’t Be Afraid of Change

If you need to change something, don’t worry. It is much more expensive to pay for a tool that barely fulfils its functions. Then start over with another that better suits your company. Besides, they say it’s wise to change your mind.

We recommend that you be aware of the solutions your teams use so that the changes make promptly. And not when the errors are already evident or complicated to correct.

Remember: technology should make the job easier. And take the complexity out of it so you and your staff can focus on growing your business.

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