Python vs. Java

Python vs. Java: Python and Java are two of the most popular and in-demand backend languages in business Python vs. Java. We’ll aim to describe and expose what each language is and what goals they seek in this comparison and provide an in-depth comparison so you can choose which one to employ in your project.

Java is an object-oriented programming language based on the WORA  (Write Once Run Anywhere) principle that allows development for multiple platforms with a single code.

It was initially developed by James Gosling of Sun Microsystems, who intended to create a programming language similar to C++ in structure and syntax, object-oriented, and with its virtual machine.

After the release of the alpha version of Java, browsers began to allow the execution of Java applets embedded in web pages, even though it currently has the same use as the other backend languages.

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What is Python, and what is it for?

Python is another object-oriented programming language that was created based on being readable. It is managed by a software foundation and has an open-source license.

As for its history, we can point out that Guido van Rossum created it in the Netherlands and that the name of the language comes from his fondness for Monty Python. In 1994 functional programming features such as lambda functions were incorporated, and years later, it was published as free code.

A free software license called the Python License came from developing the language. It is based on the BSD license and governed by Virginia’s laws (USA). Since the year 2000, the versions of the language carry this license.

Advantages of Java Programming

Among the most outstanding advantages of Java, we find:

  • Security: The compilation made of the programs written in Java makes them very secure.
  • Performance – Java offers a higher level of performance with features like memory freeing. But Java affords us a large part of these advantages with a simple syntax. To achieve excellent performance, we would have to resort to languages ​​such as C++, .NET,…
  • Learning curve: Learning to program in Java is more accessible than in languages ​​like the ones we mentioned, such as C++, although it is more complex than other recent ones, such as Swift.

Advantages of Python Programming

On the Python side, we highlight:

  • Flexibility: Contrary to Java, Python allows more flexibility when declaring data types, allowing you not even to have to say them.
  • Data science: In the Python environment, we find tools such as the Jupyter notebook that allow us to put Python in competition as a data science language, competing with others such as R.
  • Scripting: Its simplicity, already mentioned, means that it use to create scripts, so learning Python can help us in our automation as a programmer.

Fundamental Differences Between the two Languages Python vs. Java

Regarding the architecture of Java, it has an excellent capacity for configuration with multiple options and can become very complex. In the case of Python, we find a superb differential characteristic that lies in the ability to create microservices.

A microservice is a minimal part into which an application can divide. They are one of the principles of system and application architecture today. An example is an API resource that allows us to individually upload it to a server, making the architecture more elastic.

As far as power is concerned, Java wins the battle against Python since the strength of its virtual machine makes it preferred by companies in this regard. Java uses in complex applications or for mobile application development, such as Android applications.

Finally, Python stands out from Java in its ability to perform checks on the code as it executes, and in the case of Java, they will detect during compilation.

Future of both Languages Python vs. Java

Today, we find famous web applications made in Java, such as Uber, which has based its development on Java and Go, or Netflix, which was based on Java despite improving its languages ​​to use more recent technologies.

On the Python side, we find web applications such as Instagram that based its code on Django, a Python framework, or Spotify that combines it with C++. Also, the Dropbox server is one of these outstanding examples since the founder of the language. Currently works in this technology company.

The future will go through a competition between the two. Each one will continue to stand out in a specific field. Python in data science and Java in its power for complex applications and processes.


In conclusion, if you find yourself between Python vs. Java, you should pay attention to other decisions that companies in the sector have made. They chose one language or another to choose the one. That best suits the application’s needs looking to build.

From OpenWebinars, how could it be otherwise? We promote education in both languages ​​since the more knowledge you have about the industry. The better you will be able to decide on the best technologies or expand your job search range. For this reason, we offer you the Java Web Programmer career and the Python3 course from scratch.

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