
Reporting System Boost your company’s analytics capabilities with HubSpot’s tools.

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Reporting and Reporting System

Reporting System: With the proliferation of solutions to automate processes within the company, it would be expected that organizations would already be used to implementing tools that take care of these repetitive tasks: collecting critical information from their customers, organizing data, creating performance reports, among others.

We recently reached out to Reporting system and reporting makers to learn what digital tools they use to share results. To the question “Which of the following tools do you use to create reports and report results?” this is what they answered:

Reporting System

  • Reporting tool built into your CRM or marketing software: 58.90%
  • Spreadsheets (for example, Excel or Google Sheets): 50.80%
  • Specialized reporting tool (for example, Google Analytics or Hotjar): 35.40%
  • Data visualization tool (for example, Looker or Power BI): 27.60%

Another report, which we obtained thanks to research on marketing in companies, gives a broader picture. 60% of marketers use automation on their teams, while 57% do it for task management. And 59% use the built-in reporting tool in their CRM or marketing software to create reports and report results.

In other words, although there are a wide variety of options to automate these processes, it is still not common practice. Considering the benefits of a good CRM, it’s surprising that just over 50% still rely on spreadsheets.

If you find yourself in a similar position, we want to share some recommendations to incorporate automation into your activities. Once you start, you will appreciate how much time you will save by reducing error margins in data capture, how easy it will be to organize your information and how quickly this will become key material to share results with your teams.

How to automate your performance reports – Reporting System

1. Seek uniformity in information management processes

For this Reporting System to work within your company, it is essential to meet specific objectives. One of them is to eliminate errors since it offers a solution within reach of all the people who must have access. It’s also more efficient because you don’t duplicate data or waste time or resources using different platforms for a single purpose.

The people involved will be aware of the tools available, those responsible for each stage of management, where the information comes from and how they should take advantage of it for the ideal performance of the company.

2. Ensure data is available – Reporting System

Whether your human talent is in different locations or you want to have access to your data, reports and reports at any time, look for tools or platforms that have storage in the cloud or on a server that your company owns.

Also, check that they have efficient security protocols so that the information is well protected and does not fall into the wrong hands. You could add a data backup that updates automatically and in real-time as a precaution.

3. Establishes a methodology to facilitate the control and monitoring of incidents

Create users, and assign permissions and access levels meticulously. The idea is that you always have certainty of who creates, edits or reads the reports or information and when it is necessary to make updates or reports. In this way, there is an efficient control that helps identify incidents, those responsible and ways to correct damages or errors.

4. Design planning and forecasting processes

What to do in case the server goes down? How to ensure that the tool that automates the creation of reports does not suffer an attack that puts the information at risk? Who to turn to if the administrators forget their passwords? Many threats will need an action plan. The ideal is to anticipate these situations by consulting with your suppliers and technology managers in your company to act quickly.

5. Give your team training

Of course, you must make sure that the team in contact with these tools knows their functions and how to take advantage of them. With each change in the marketing environment, there are also transformations in performance metrics and indicators. So organize refresher sessions that engage your staff when there’s an opportunity, and follow the news your vendors will share to keep your tools functional.

6. Look for goals and indicators that reflect the results that matter

Regarding performance metrics and hands, it is normal to feel overwhelmed by the enormous amount of data processed in each results report. However, the burden is lessened when the company knows exactly what numbers reflect its performance.

That also depends on the area of ​​the organization. The objectives that were raised during a period month, quarter or year. The context of the industry or the unexpected challenges that arose. If you focus on the most relevant. It will be easy to use the tool you have to create performance reports.

For example, HubSpot’s Custom Report Builder includes various options. That allow you to create dashboards and reports linking sales, marketing, and service data.

Save time, use data without confusing the cells in your spreadsheet. And track the growth of your efforts for the benefit of your company.

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