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Essential Steps to Protect your Data in the Cloud

Protect your Data in the Cloud

Protect Data in the Cloud

Protect your Data in the Cloud: The cloud has become something essential for users in their day today. We can use very varied services to host content and have them always obtainable. Now, security is incredible that must be present, and not all options are equal. In this article, we are leaving to explain some essential aspects to consider to protect data in the cloud and avoid problems.

Essential Points to Protect Data in the Cloud

Cloud storage is handy for creating backup copies, emptying physical reminiscences, always saving files available, or sharing them with other users. But, of course, we can presently store data and information of great worth. They might put our solitude at risk if they are bare.

For this cause, we must do it safely when economic data is on the Internet and not make mistakes that cooperate with us. Therefore, we will give some essential points for it.

Review the Privacy and Security Policy

When we contract a service in the cloud, we will trust that our data is going to be safe. However, before we host content that might be sensitive before we trust that option, we should review the privacy and security policy.

Where will our files be hosted? Is it a country that treats not public data confidentially? Is there a possibility of total suppression or the right to be forgotten? We must consider these aspects to maximize privacy and stay away from problems.

Control who Accesses that Data

Of course, it is also essential to control who can access the data. For example, when we host content on the network, we may allow third parties to read, edit, remove or modify that content.

It is central that you can control who and how can access this data. We will have better control and avoid problems that affect our privacy.

Use Strong Passwords

There is no hesitation that passwords are the main barrier to preventing intrusions. Therefore, it is essential to use secure passwords that have the recommended measures and dispense with them. This will prevent access to the account.

But beyond the password, it is also necessary to configure two-step authentication, which is increasingly present. In this way, we prevent an intruder, even having the password, from being able to enter. Putting a password in the browser is an additional security option.

Use Additional Encryption

If we want to maximize security and reduce the risk as little as possible, we can consider using some encryption on our files. We have many tackles for this, and in this way, we ensure that these files are adequately protected, and if they are accessible to a third party, they would not be able to read what they keep within.

It is no secret to a person that the cloud offers hundreds of opportunities to construct and grow business models through the research and development of digital solutions.

According to a Gartner study, a corporate policy against the cloud will be as rare as a policy not to use the Internet in 2020.

For the research firm, a large part of the obstacles imposed on cloud computing in the first place is disappearing, mainly due to the need to implement greater security in the technology.

It may interest you: “There is no 100% security in the face of growing threats.”

However, the growing supply of increasingly powerful cloud services has caused, on the one hand, an almost massive migration of all kinds of data to the cloud; and, on the other, a constant concern and questioning of everything that concerns security in the cloud.

For this reason, Cisco has developed a cloud-native Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) that enables you to use the cloud securely. The simple, open, and automated approach called Cloudlock uses multiple APIs to manage your cloud application ecosystem risks.

Security in the Different Areas

The tool also allows you to make a circle of security in the different areas:

User: It uses advanced machine learning algorithms to detect anomalies based on various factors. In addition, it identifies activities outside the countries on the allow list and actions that take place at speeds impossible for the distance.

Data: Data loss prevention (DLP) technology continuously monitors cloud environments to detect and protect sensitive information. Provides countless out-of-the-box policies, plus custom policies with many fine-tuning options.

Application: Cloudlock Apps firewall detects and controls cloud applications connected to the corporate environment. You’ll be able to view a public collective trust index for individual apps and be able to ban or allow them based on risk.

Also Read: SSL Certificate – Definition and Explanation


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