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Specific Objectives of a Company – Definition – Examples

Specific Objectives of a Company

Specific Objectives

Specific Objectives: It is not enough to have dreams; they must be carefully defined to produce concrete results. Otherwise, the flaws created by a poorly conceived objective might undermine the entire company.

What are the Specific Objectives of a Company

The specific objectives are the results that a company wants to obtain, following more general goals to maximize the benefits acquired in a business. Such purposes must be practical, realistic, coherent, logical, and have a sequence that allows them to be fulfilled in a given time.

Within a company, the objectives are derived from two different purposes. In the first place, we have those of an economic nature, which seek to obtain more excellent financial benefits through the maintenance or expansion of the company, attract more and more customers, gain greater profitability, maintain a positive cash flow, and optimize resources to overcome the productivity, among others.

Second, there are the specific objectives of human nature, focused on employees, with strategies such as talent retention and training courses. In the same category are customers, that is, everything that has to do with sales, support, and attention, such as implementing an online store, reducing delivery times, returns, distribution, and others.

Ten examples of specific objectives of a company

As you can notice, we must set smart goals using OKR software to achieve a big dream. Remember that many alternatives can be developed for each objective to achieve it, but you must verify that they are consistent

1. Specific Goal of Talent Retention

Regarding the last year, a company has presented a high turnover of personnel, which is affecting its productivity and altering annual expenses for the same reason. In this situation, some options for specific objectives would be:

Identify the three best workers in each company area through their work performance, and give them financial incentives every quarter.

2. Specific Objectives of Higher Profitability

Through an exhaustive analysis of its finances, a specific business has realized that it must take care of the management of its resources to obtain greater profitability in the next two months. The specific objectives are:

Thanks to a campaign on social networks that generates 15% more qualified traffic to the online store than in the previous two months, Increase the company’s income.

Reduce all business expenses that are not strictly necessary for its performance and thus save resources.

3. Specific Sales Increase Goals

The general objective of every company is to increase the number of sales; In this case, we have a brand that has just created a new line of products. The specific objectives would be:

Use search engine advertising with offers of the best-selling products so that Internet users buy more.

4. Specific Customer Service Objectives

Considering that it is cheaper to retain a customer than to win a new one, a company wants to improve its customer service and obtain a more significant number of loyal customers. In this particular case, some examples of specific objectives would be:

Carry out a brief survey of each of the buyers to find out their opinion about their purchase process and, based on this, make improvements.

Give effective solutions to the most frequent complaints that consumers expose in ​​customer service.

5. Specific Omnichannel Objectives

A company is implementing an omnichannel system to serve its customers. You have already covered almost all of how they can be contacted on the internet, but along the way, you have noticed that you need to verify channels outside the network. For such a situation, the specific objectives would be:

Implement a channel with WhatsApp Business to serve customers who feel more comfortable with this means of contacting them.

Identify the most frequent questions that leaders ask to adjust a chatbot that quickly attends to their requests in the conversation.

6. Specific Engagement Goals

The presence of a specific business is not very noticeable on social networks compared to its main competitors, which is why it seeks to improve the engagement of its publications. In this case, the specific objectives are:

Use the trending hashtags on social networks and have a close relationship with the content that the brand shares to have better engagement.

Hire an influencer that fits the business concept to promote your products; in this way, their followers will know and follow the brand.

7. Specific Objectives of Implementing a CRM

The massive increase in sales has made a company need software to serve each buyer better and faster, thus avoiding customer churn. For such a situation, the specific objectives are:

Please find the best customer management (CRM) tool that fits the company and implement it.

Train sales and customer service personnel to use the program to provide the best experience to consumers.

8. Specific Improvement Objectives for Teleworking

One of the challenges that a particular business has faced, like many others, is making work from home well executed by employees. There are always ways to improve it, so possible specific goals for this are:

Provide technical support at home to workers who request it not to hinder their work performance.

Use a work management program to coordinate the daily activities of each of the company’s employees without forgetting break times.

9. Specific Objectives of Increasing Sales Per Customer

A company has found a business opportunity to make its customers purchase more products per order so that the shipping cost yields more and they have more sales; Thus, both parties benefit. Here the specific objectives would be:

Create a section of recommended products on the online store page related to those the user has previously purchased or is in the shopping cart.

Form packages or kits of products that customers usually buy together to buy more than one per order.

10. Specific SEO Positioning Objectives

With the rise of search engines, mainly Google, an SEO strategy is essential for any company, no matter its size. For this methodology, these two crucial specific objectives would apply:

Optimize the mobile version of a company’s website, especially the online store, so that users have a good experience with the brand.

Insert internal and external links within blogs’ content so that the page has more relevance in search engines.

The clearer and more detailed your specific objectives are, the easier it will be to put them into practice. Therefore, determining each requires careful attention. The most recommended thing is that they meet the requirements of smart goals, which assure you of their effectiveness.

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